Scroller Upgrade

I finally got around to updating Scroller. Here’s what changed.

No Dependencies

You no longer need jQuery and jTweener. The script is lightweight now—the minified version is only 20 KB.

New APIs

You can now scroll the content programmatically and update the settings on the fly. The old methods and setting via attributes still work.

Package is Now On npm

I don’t remember how I missed it last time. Fixed now.

Better Performance

It now scrolles the content smoother due to the software acceleration. Inertia effect now feels nicer.

No IE Below 11

If support for older browsers is important to you, try an older version of Scroller. It works in IE as of version 9.

React Component

I also made a wrapper for React, so that you could use Scroller in you r React apps.

If you have any questions, or if you find a bug, send them to email or GitHub.
